Thursday, December 15, 2011


My name is Erika. I am a mother of 2 beautiful girls and wife to an amazing husband. This blog is to document my journey as I try to become fit and healthy.

I was obese my whole life. I wasn't happy with the way I looked. Growing up I missed out on a lot of things because my self esteem was non existent. I wanted to change and be fit, but I was too lazy. I didn't know what to do. I remember once losing 30 lbs. Unfortunately, it was done the wrong. I was not healthy. I got sick and then I gained the weight back, plus some. 
A few years later, I met Phillip my now husband and best friend. He was the change I needed. He loved me just the way I was. But I wanted to change because he deserved a happy person. He deserved a wife who felt beautiful. I wanted to be happy with myself. 
We got pregnant after a year of marriage. We had our first little one, then I decided to begin with the changes. I wanted to set a good example for my daughter. 
I started working out and I started losing weight. I changed my eating habits. I began this journey. A long, but oh so worth it journey. Along the way I discovered my passion for running. I began running and I just couldn't stop after that. Running gave me something I had been missing my whole life. Running made me feel like a total new person. It became a part of me. I have come a long ways. But I am never stopping. This is something I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to run until I am old and wrinkly.
Let's keep running!

This was me in 2006 and 2007

After my first baby, 2009
This was at my heaviest, 198 lbs.
The best thing that ever happened to me was discovering my passion for running. This was my first 10k in  Santa Monica. December 2009

This was in 2010 after finishing my first 1/2 Marathon.

Agoura Hills Pacific Half Marathon March 2010.
I got pregnant for the second time and had to take a break for medical reasons. But after having our second (February 10, 2011) I got back on the road.
I started training again 5 weeks later. And ran another half in Northern California.  June 2011
This is me right now. December 2011.
I love running. I am currently training for my fourth half marathon and will also be starting Insanity next Monday. I will document my progress here. 
I hope we can keep one another motivated.
This little blog will hold me accountable for making the right choices and sticking to my training.
Remember, nothing is impossible!

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