Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Death Valley Marathon

I have done marathon training in the past, but I never got to run one. It was heartbreaking because I had put so much time and effort into my training, but at the time I was 18 weeks pregnant and decided that the best thing to do was to drop out. I still continued running up until my 31st week of pregnancy, but the marathon just gave me an uneasy feeling. I didn't want something happening that I would regret for the rest of my life. I have since had my cute little baby boy who is almost 5 1/2 months old. I got right back on the road when he was 4 weeks old and my body responded well. I have been running 3-4 days a week and I have been doing a couple of Beachbody programs (Insanity and T25). They have helped get in better shape. I have not reached my pre-pregnancy weight (1lb away). But I have learned that in fitness there is no destination, it just becomes a way of life. I had the silly idea that if I got down to 130-125 I would be happy, that mentality has changed (hallelujah!). I am gaining health, strength and muscle, and most importantly I am happy! I have also learned a long the way that this is a slow process, but with consistency it gives you results. I decided to train for a marathon once again, and if this is my turn things will go well and I will be able to run my first marathon ever on February 1st, 2014. I am nervous, but I have faith that I will do good. The main thing for me will be to not over train and stay away from injuries. I will be following Hal Higndon's Intermediate 1 training plan, the only thing I will be adding to it is hill work. Hill work will be the most challenging part of my training because Bakersfield is flat! I will have to drive to the canyon or do some hills up by Bakersfield College which is a 25 minute drive. I love just putting on my shoes and running out the door or when I meet my partner the drive is only 5 minutes. Phillip is being very supportive of me like always. He said I can do this and that I am ready for this next challenge. I have printed a calendar with all my workouts to keep me on track. I am so excited, I can't wait!
Here is a picture of the the course and elevation: 
 I would like to document my training here, I thought it would be nice to go back some day and read about the feelings and experiences that come with training for my first marathon.

1 comment:

  1. I used Higdon Intermediate 1 a few years back and it worked pretty well for me. Good luck on your first marathon....crossing that finish line for the first time is a wonderful experience. See you at the Death Valley Marathon!
